Simple VM created... What's the connection string?
Launch Horizon (oddly a separate site, but ok,.. beta...) says it's:
ssh -i cloud.key <username>@<instance_ip>
Ok, I know the key, I know the IP, but what's the username?
(the username might be different depending on the image you launched):
Yeah, ok, but what is it? It's a standard IBM image (CentOS 7 in this case) so...
Nada (Spanish, so still not sure what's with the Italian)! No documentation, no advice, a broken link in the VM docs... Stack Overflow has no questions under bluemix usernames.. But thankfully DW answers does - though not specifically my question, rather others with sudo issues! Not a great way to find out... Perhaps they hand out that bit of info on the training course... Anyway, two days lost of whatever free period I get, I can login. Now I need to remember what I wanted to try out..
For the record it's: